Katherine Rae Diemert (k.d.rae) is a visual artist based out of Hamilton, Canada. She makes art that explores our relationship to the natural and digital worlds. You can reach her at kdiemert@gmail.com.
A Rolling Stone Gathering Moss
Fall 2022
MacOS Application, Unity Game Engine, mixed media
Created during my residency at Roundtable Residency
Available for download here.
︎︎︎Documentation video
Is a rock alive? What story would it tell if it was? A Rolling Stone Gathering Moss began by stumbling across a rock in the path. Taking on the rock as a subject, I attempted to document it in an ongoing series of transformations from photogrammetry to augmented reality to drawing to 3D simulations and onwards… only to ultimately fail in finding a conclusion. A Rolling Stone Gathering Moss is a breadcrumb trail of artifacts from the appreciation of a stone, presented as a digital gallery exhibition.
Gallery pamphlet available here.
Gallery pamphlet available here.